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Anemurion | Mamure Kalesi | Iskele | Bath house


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This gallery is in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea topic
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Anemurion -also called Anemurium - is close to present Anamur. It is situated at the southernmost cape of Turkey’s Mediterranean. Its history starts in the late Hellenistic period when the city fell under the Comagenes. The last king, Antiochus IV, was dethroned by Emperor Vespian, Anemurion then became part of the province of Cilicia. The town later got a bishop’s seat and flourished until it was destroyed by the Arabs. In the 12th and 13th century it was again populated by Armenian kings, who fortified the cape and integrated the castle, six kilometers further east, into its fortifications. From a Princeton publication I quote: " It consists of some 350 individual numbered tombs, dating from the 1st c. A.D. to the early 4th c. They were built in fairly coarse manner of local gray limestone; the interiors were decorated with painted plaster and mosaic. The simplest examples consist of barrel-vaulted chambers on stone platforms with arcosolia along three walls, but other types have developed well beyond this nucleus to incorporate anterooms, side-halls for funerary banquets, second stories, and small courtyards.

In the city proper the principal monuments still recognizable above ground are mainly at the S end of the city and include a large theater, an odeon-bouleuterion, an apsed exedra, perhaps belonging to a basilica, three large baths, and traces of a colonnaded street traversing the city from N to S. Since 1965 two of the baths and the odeon have been cleared and restored. Fine mosaic floors have appeared in both buildings and, most recently, in a palaestra attached to the largest baths. This consists of an open piazza almost 1000 sq m in extent, floored entirely with mosaic of geometric design. None of the structures so far studied in the city appears earlier than the late 2d c. A.D. Buildings of later date include several churches and a small, but well-preserved, bath with mosaic floor of complex design. Finds, for the most part Late Roman or Early Byzantine, are deposited in the Alanya Museum."

I grouped pictures of the major sights, the rest are a rather random collection that, due to the lack of information I could find, often have no captions. And some captions may be out of place after all the rearranging and adding new pictures. Sorry.
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Public basilica
Public basilica
Large baths
Large baths
Public bath
Public bath
Small bathhouse
Small bathhouse
Church and fresco's
Church and fresco's
Citadel aka Cape Anamur
Citadel aka Cape Anamur
Beach and harbour
Beach and harbour
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