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Guinea-fowl butterfly, Hamanumida daedalus Amegilla is one of the anthophorid bees: short, stocky and very busy. I found this little mantis in our garden. It reminded me of the Borg Queen. No ID yet. Pseudagrion hageni (Painted Sprite) Ceriagron glabrum (Common pond damsel), Scottburgh
Junonia oenone, Scottburgh Caterpillars, Scottburgh Caterpillars, Scottburgh Acraea horta on mint (Mentha longifolia), Roodepoort Brithys crini pancratii (The dreaded lily borer)
Cyclyrius pirithous, Thabazimbi Hover fly (Eristalinus taeniops) on Buddleya salviifolia African Honeybee (Apis mellifera) on Veltheimia bracteata Hypolycaena caeculus, Blydepoort Male carpenter bee (Xylocopa caffra) guarding its territorial post (Myosotis), Cape Town
Twig snout bug (Zanna intricatus), Thabazimbi Solitary bee (Allodapula variegata) on Aloe peglerae Fly silhouette Lycaenid butterfly Asarkina africana, one of many similar-looking hover flies
Anomalipus elephas (Large Armoured Ground Beetle) Anomalipus elephas (Large Armoured Ground Beetle) Precis (Junonia) oenone oenone Spialia spio (Mountain Sandman) Eurema brigitta flocking together
Vanessa cardui (Painted lady) Hypolimnas misippus (Male) Acraea anemosa Acraea anemosa Zonocerus elegans (Elegant grashopper)
Acraea horta on a Senecio, Woodbush Charaxes jasius saturnus (Fox Charaxes) Eurema brigitta Caterpillar feeding on Sphedamnocarpus Charaxes jasius saturnus
A pair of dung beetles hard at work CMR beetles making short work of a Berkheya's petals A paper wasp and its nest disappear among the lichens One of the poisonous grasshoppers (Phymateus viridipes?) Unidentified dragonfly