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dorff | all galleries >> Macro and close-ups >> Insects > Brithys crini pancratii (The dreaded lily borer)
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Brithys crini pancratii (The dreaded lily borer)

Nikon D70 ,Nikkor 60mm f/2.8D AF Micro
1/250s f/22.0 at 60.0mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 30-Dec-2011 21:07
Best results by spaying them with
Garden Ripcord while still young.
Pretoria South Africa
Guest 21-Nov-2010 16:32
sorry, that should read "all species...". They also love Amaryllis belladonna. Also known (in South Africa) as the "Amaryllis caterpillar". They have just wiped out most of my Clivias and an A. belladonna. Johannesburg, South Africa.
Guest 21-Nov-2010 16:23
these guys chow all sepcias of Crinum, Clivia and Hippeastrum (all indigenous South African plants) and the only thing I have found that helps is Karbadust though I am trying to find a friendlier organic alternaive -- any ideas?
Tamara 04-Oct-2008 10:40
This lovely bright coloured little caterpillar can decimate a crop of C.pedunculatum within days! Have found that consistent applications of certified chemicals is the only way to beat them. Sad, but true. Have found major success with intermediate plantings of C.Xanthophyllum, rather then straight plantings of C.pedunculatum.
Teresita 01-Oct-2007 21:21
These are all over the canary flowers. What will they look like when they
become butterflies.
Guest 25-Mar-2006 12:11
lily borer moth
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