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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area GROCERY STORES and Food Markets Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1965 - Kwik Chek supermarket at 8740 Bird Road, Miami
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1965 - Kwik Chek supermarket at 8740 Bird Road, Miami

8740 Bird Road (SW 40th Street), Miami

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Guest 13-May-2014 12:33
The 'llalalalala' you refer to is: where your dollar buys you more. So it is:

'Kwik Chek, Kwik Chek,
Where your dollar buys you more....
Kwik, Chek, Kwik Chek,
Kwik Chek food store.'
Guest 13-May-2014 11:04
"For Vaaaaluuue... and Qua-li-ty... (Alternate: "For Vaaaaluue and Saaaaviings....)
la la la la la la laaaahhh.. (<---- what are the words in here?)
"Kwik-Chek... Kwik-Chek....
"Kwik-Chek Food Stores...." <---- 60's commercial-radio jingle with female-singer ends.
Mitchell Shulman 05-Dec-2008 21:02
Remember the double decker bike in front of Pete's Barber shop?

Once I found a $10 bill in front of the Grand Union went in and bought enough rock candy that I haven't eaten any since.

Al once caught me stealing a sweet tart at the news stand & let me go with a scare.
Jan Dupree 25-Dec-2007 03:26
There used to be a drive up pizza to the left of this store for many years called Pizza Palace, right out of American Graffitti. I was born in Miami and lived there for 50 years. I lived right down the street from here on 82nd. avenue. beginning in 1955. I
remember briefly that Bird Rd. was not paved west of 87ave and the only major things out there was Bird Bowl, Sunland Skating, Frankies Pizza, a few Bars, a school, Army Navy Store, and a couple of gas stations. It was a great place to live. The only traffic was from the race track 3 months of the year. We could here the races over the loud speaker all day long as our house was right next to Tropical Park. There were actually tomato and strawberry fields all alond Bird Road. One was at 82 ave. where there is a Bank now.
robert cruz 28-Oct-2007 07:42
i beleive this building still stands but is now an office max. the part on the right with the lower facade is where i think kemron office supply was up until the late 80's-early 90's. if you visit this mall you will notice that the office max building is standalone and has a very narrow separation between it and its neighbors.