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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area HOTELS and MOTELS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1965 - the Argosy Motel with the Pink Banana Bar in the basement at 17425 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles
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1965 - the Argosy Motel with the Pink Banana Bar in the basement at 17425 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles

17425 Collins Avenue, Sunny Isles, Florida

Thank you to Kathy who commented below that this hotel is now the site of Samson Park. The park's website is located at .

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Guest 06-May-2022 23:44
My family and I first stayed there in 1965. We came back a few times after that and I believe it was within walking distance to a homemade ice shop across Collins Avenue. Great times
Steve 19-Jan-2021 05:14
My family stayed there in January, 1969, I think for a week. I remember the Pink kids, my brothers and I thought it was a funny name. It had a pool and shuffle board courts which we were fascinated with at the time. The bathrooms had blue fixtures! The motel was next to the Sun City and a Holiday Inn...the Sun City had a salt water swimming pool, which we sometimes snuck into if no one was there.
Frank 22-Nov-2020 01:30
In the very early 60's when I was about 5 or 6 I have memories charcoal grills on their beach -- I think the management fired them up every Tuesday and guests would get free hot dogs! Can anyone verify or correct me on my memory?
Don Boyd23-Jan-2017 02:42
Kathy, Jim, Eric and Frank: thank you for adding more information about the Argosy in the below comments. Kathy, thank you for letting us know that the site is now Samson Park. Frank, I've added the Pink Banana to the "Restaurants Gone But Not Forgotten" list in the Restaurants gallery - thank you.

Frank 19-Jan-2017 19:15
We stayed here in the mid 1970's as college students from Ohio. It was cheap, run down but on the beach and close to Ft. Lauderdale. Used to have a bar in the basement called the Pink Banana.
Don Boyd30-May-2011 16:50
Eric, thank you for posting your memories. You might be interested to know that most of the old one and two story motels and hotels have been replaced by giant high-rise condos. I recently took some aerial photos of the Sunny Isles (now called Sunny Isles Beach) area and here is a link to what it looks like now: (unbelievable!)

Eric 30-May-2011 14:41
This does bring back memories. Our family use to stay at the Argosy for our summer vacations from 66-70. Motel was really nice, especially the afternoon cookouts by the pool. But later on, the area started to become run-down and we quit going because too many panhandlers.
Jim 31-Jul-2010 21:17
Does this bring back memories.Two of my friends ran the pool concession for a few years and we hung out there.
Kathy 04-Nov-2009 20:14
my grandfather owned the land of this motel which became an eyesore in the 1960's and 1980' (he had died). We did not own the building. It is now Samson Park. The land was in the family for 49 years. Glad to see it is a park now.