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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories: St. Mary's Parochial, Immaculate Conception School, Palm Springs Junior and Hialeah High Photo Galleries >> IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL, Hialeah, FL, Photo Galleries - click on image to enter > 1961 - Girls of the 2nd 8th Grade graduating class at Immaculate Conception School, Hialeah, FL (names below in caption)
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1961 Scanned/touched up by Don Boyd

1961 - Girls of the 2nd 8th Grade graduating class at Immaculate Conception School, Hialeah, FL (names below in caption)

(Click on "original" below to see the image at 3000 pixels wide by 2400 pixels high)

First row (front), from the left: 6th: Elizabeth Strasser Olson, 8th: Father Dominic Barry (later Monsignor)(now deceased), 9th: Linda Shannon

Second row, from the left: 2nd: Diane Diamonti Andreoni, 3rd: Eleanor Cerunda, 5th: Maria Elizabeth Bandujo, 7th: Carla ?, 11th: Suzanne Kennedy, 13th: Donna Schlaudecker, 14th: Sharon Bourassa

Third row, from the left: 5th: Pat Covey, 9th: Emilia Badger, 14th: Sarah Carroll, 15th (last on right side): Lillian "Chip" Trendel

This photo is courtesy of Liz Strasser Olson. I went to Immaculate with most of these girls in fifth, sixth and seventh grades before I transferred to Palm Springs Junior High at the start of eighth grade. Thanks to Olga Baro Miller for identifying Diamonti, Bandujo and Covey and to Liz for identifying them also plus Trendle, Carroll, Bourassa, Schlaudecker, and Kennedy.

If you can identify any of the unidentified ladies please let us know the names and where they are in the photo (row and position from the left). Thank you.

Guest on 25-APR-2007 21:24
My name was Elmary Cerunda and I was in the 1st Graduation class. I can give you a few names for our picture... 2nd row from top, 3rd from left: Eleanor Cerunda; 5th from left: Patricia Ferguson; 7th from left: Carla ? Sad to say I can't recall the other names. I assume you know the teachers and sisters names: Mr. Silva, grade 6. Mother Francesca, Sister Perpetua..... Thanks for doing this. It brought back some great memories. I owe IC a lot... Hope all who read this are doing well.

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Don Boyd23-Jun-2016 17:03
Mert, thank you for the corrections which I have made to the description. I should have caught the error regarding Lillian "Chip" Trendel because I remember her and of course I remember Sarah. Thank you for your comments regarding my efforts towards the site; it's a labor of love. : )

Mert Carroll Jankowski 23-Jun-2016 15:00
Lillian "Chip" Trendel is the last person on the right in the third row, she is next to my sister Sarah Carroll who is the 14th person. Don, you did an amazing job and continue too, putting all these memories out there for all to see.
Don Boyd02-Feb-2014 07:40
Inez, I hope you find Peggy. Her family lived on NW 110th Street (W. 56th Place on the south side of the same street) in the county section a block east of where I grew up. I was deeply infatuated with her and her older sister Judy back in the late 1950's and I thought they were beautiful. I lost track of them in the early 60's when I transferred over to Palm Springs Junior in 1960 instead of finishing eighth grade at ICS. Which Sears did y'all work at, Northside or Westland and what years?

Inez Mitchell Creekmore 02-Feb-2014 04:20
Looking for Peggy Rizzuto from Immaculate, class of 63. She went to Msgr. Pace, class of 67. Her first married name was Zeit. They divorced and she married Greg Little. Last address was in Hollywood. Her parents lived in Miami Lakes. If anyone knows how to reach her, have them email me @ We went to school together @ Pace, worked @ Sears and stayed friends for many yrs., then lost touch.
Guest 06-Jan-2013 01:24
I remember my years at Immaculate Conception fondly. Thanks to all those who posted pictures. My name is Patricia Ferguson Stead.
Larry Thompson 25-Jun-2012 08:17
I remember when they placed the statue of Mary and being photographed here many times. She isn't here in '61 but is in the next pic in '63, so it must have been '62 she was placed. Larry Thompson
Guest 25-Dec-2007 19:12
3rd Row, 9th from left is Emilia Badger