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Don Mottershead | all galleries >> Mini-galleries >> Bouquets from Dirtco >
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Dan Greenberg16-Sep-2024 23:09
Fabulous! Perfect focus, gorgeous color and detail. ~VVV~
Apostolos Tikopoulos10-Sep-2024 19:45
Perfect details and beautiful colors. V
globalgadabout10-Sep-2024 16:17
sumptuous, and sensuous too..
Danad10-Sep-2024 13:57
Beautiful combination of colors in this soft light.

Carl Carbone10-Sep-2024 12:07
Wow! So beautiful. The colors are delicious!
Arnie Peterschmidt10-Sep-2024 04:51
Spectacular colors and forms, both bold and subtle.
Helen Betts10-Sep-2024 03:18
What a gorgeous closeup!
joseantonio10-Sep-2024 02:54
lovely closeup details.V.
Julie Oldfield10-Sep-2024 01:25
Very lovely.. I really like the soothing colors. V
larose forest photos10-Sep-2024 01:18
This is stunning photography!! Gorgeous image, very creative. V
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