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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Eclectica (10 Galleries) >> Vintage Lenses tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Vintage Lenses

Images shot with vintage lenses on digital cameras using adapters. Almost all of these have already been posted in other galleries by theme or event, but I wanted a compilation of them in one place.

Best viewed at original size.
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1947-50 Chevy Truck
1947-50 Chevy Truck
1947-50 Chevy Truck
1947-50 Chevy Truck
1947-48 Kaiser
1947-48 Kaiser
1952 Kaiser Manhattan
1952 Kaiser Manhattan
1961 Lincoln Continental
1961 Lincoln Continental
1962 Cadillac
1962 Cadillac
1960 Oldsmobile
1960 Oldsmobile
1960 Oldsmobile
1960 Oldsmobile
1962 Cadillac
1962 Cadillac
1984 Oldsmobile Toronado
1984 Oldsmobile Toronado
1974 Oldsmobile Omega
1974 Oldsmobile Omega
1941 Hudson Pickup
1941 Hudson Pickup
Ancient Steering Wheel
Ancient Steering Wheel
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