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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Eclectica (10 Galleries) >> Vintage Lenses > Carly and Lilah
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13-Nov-2020 Dan Greenberg

Carly and Lilah

Parker, CO

My daughter and her dog in our backyard. Playing with my new vintage lens. This is pretty much right out of the camera.
Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy05-Dec-2020 14:26
Kudos Dan on the great results with the Helios lens. Your daughter and her dog makes a great portrait and so natural!
Liz Bickel04-Dec-2020 19:13
Such a lovely portrait. And lovely daughter. A feel good image.
pkocinski03-Dec-2020 13:37
Well done portrait.
Apostolos Tikopoulos02-Dec-2020 20:07
I really like this beautiful and lovely portrait. V.
Marisa Livet02-Dec-2020 18:55
Beautiful portrait in its essential simplicity. It conveys serene sensations
joseantonio02-Dec-2020 18:44
very nice portrait.V
Philip P02-Dec-2020 18:18
Great portraits.
William Barletta02-Dec-2020 18:09
Very nice portrait ~V~
Viviane02-Dec-2020 18:08
A sweet portrait of those two.
Neil Marcus02-Dec-2020 18:08
A lovely smile. So nice to see her, Dan
larose forest photos02-Dec-2020 17:56
What a great shot this is, joyful and lovely. V