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Dana | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Storm Damage tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Storm Damage

I sincerely hope that this gallery is not too big. Now that I've created it though, I may end up returning and adding some pictures from Hurricane Katrina. For now, though, this is the damage to our house and neighborhood on 10 April 2008 from the overnight storms. I believe it was a tornado overhead, although that has yet to be confirmed by the National Weather Service. Most of our damage came from counterclockwise winds. There had to be some sort of rotation.
Challenge: Into the Light
Challenge: Into the Light
Immediate Aftermath
Immediate Aftermath
Behind our House
Behind our House
Through the Fence
Through the Fence
Flapping in the Breeze
Flapping in the Breeze
Photos and Glass
Photos and Glass
News Shot
News Shot
Across the Street
Across the Street
Glass in Wall
Glass in Wall
Not Such a Good Year
Not Such a Good Year