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Dave | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Infrared Images (Canon 300D Unmodified) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Infrared Images (Canon 300D Unmodified)

This gallery is devoted to Infrared Images.  Some are False Color and some are (will be) B&W.  Since there has been some interest, I have posted my general work flow (first sub-gallery) for post-processing in Photoshop.  Unprocessed images appear to be just Red – there is a great deal of tweaking to get things to work out.  If you have a comment or question about IR, please put a note in the guestbook or leave a comment and I will get back to you (usually via pbase-mail or email)...
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Infrared Conversion / Work Flow
gallery: Infrared Conversion / Work Flow
#15489 #15492 #15487
#14184bw #14184 #14184b #14176
#13565 #13578 #13598 #13606
#14625 #6649 #6643 #6665
#6639 #6656 #6651 #6652
#7066 #7073 #7369 #7380
#7563 #7579 #7898 #7949
#7927 #7930 #6084 #6075
#5716 #5714 #5668 #5670
#5673 #5669 #5668 Color and B&W Small Orginal #6084