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Digital Nuts | all galleries >> Digital Nut Profiles >> Memorial to Anita Stanhope (1950-2009) > edit image
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The Girl in the Woods

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Lesley Lara 18-Jan-2014 17:25
Love this
John T. Ramsey 17-Dec-2009 17:14
THat was a picture that took in my back yard of fall colors and my Mother added the girl, it amazes me how she was able to imagine that, even with my lack of photography skills.
meg 08-Dec-2009 20:58
I would like to use this picture to go with a story I'm writing for school.
It is so beautiful, and goes exactly with what I'm writing.
Digital Nuts18-May-2009 14:53
Very soft and pretty. ~Aurora
Maryse Achong 21-Jan-2009 03:02
May I use this beautiful pic to go with a poem to be posted on line. No monetary gain

Thank you.

Judith Barnett20-Nov-2007 16:13
Love the colors in this one and how her sweater carries through with the color of the leaves.
creativematrix20-Nov-2007 14:11
Excellent as always. JOHn M
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