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Giraffe by Anita Stanhope

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Digital Nuts02-Nov-2008 22:12
giraffes are my favorite i think this it fabulous
Guest 02-Sep-2008 14:47
This is so outstanding, Anita...and the background is just perfect for the giraffe.
Judith Barnett01-Sep-2008 16:29
I love the background you picked for this. Not only is it perfect for the giraffe but it captures the heat of the Serengetti, I don't know how to spell that! ;-)
Guest 01-Sep-2008 14:02
So totally different & i love it.give me ideas..ida
Barb01-Sep-2008 14:00
Beautiful work.
Digital Nuts01-Sep-2008 13:23
Just great!
Digital Nuts01-Sep-2008 08:47
Beautiful and nicely blended... ~Aurora
Digital Nuts01-Sep-2008 08:32
Captures the feeling of a summer day in Africa...Maureen
Digital Nuts01-Sep-2008 06:31
What a beautiful painting Anita! Love the background and how the light catches the giraffe. Wonderful! Heather
Digital Nuts01-Sep-2008 04:51
This is great. Love the colors that appear to be the sun and heat and reflect off the BG and giraffe. Well done. Lew
Digital Nuts01-Sep-2008 03:50
Love how your background blends to the colors in the giraffe. Tna
Digital Nuts01-Sep-2008 03:00
I love everything about very beautiful!....Wendy
Digital Nuts01-Sep-2008 02:33
This is wonderful, Anita
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