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This gallery is for man-made structures.
Members are asked to limit the number of their images, keeping only the best seven or so.
Past nutcracker images of architectural interest are also eligible for inclusion in this gallery.
Size restrictions are same here -- no longer than 900 pixels on the longest side, no more than 200 kb.

The Old Red Barn
The Old Red Barn
Street Scene by Mur
Street Scene by Mur
Canal Street -- NOLA
Canal Street -- NOLA
Hong Kong Street Car
Hong Kong Street Car
Too crowded, too busy, too rushed, too....
Too crowded, too busy, too rushed, too....
The Cottage
The Cottage
Frump Hotel - animated GIF
Frump Hotel - animated GIF
Old Barn at the Tetons
Old Barn at the Tetons
Santa Barbara Mission
Santa Barbara Mission
Penarth Marina
Penarth Marina
American Folk Art
American Folk Art
Russian Fantasy
Russian Fantasy
Courtyard in waters.jpg
Courtyard in waters.jpg
Candy Shack.jpg
Candy Shack.jpg
New York Street.jpg
New York Street.jpg
Eureka Springs Porch
Eureka Springs Porch
Rudyard Kipling's Travels
Rudyard Kipling's Travels
Olde English Cottage
Olde English Cottage
Window in Stone
Window in Stone
Maryland Marina
Maryland Marina
Manhattan's Flatiron
Manhattan's Flatiron