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All in?

I taught my teenage daughters how to play poker.
Now they're teaching me to lose graciously. Hmmph.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
don nieman30-Dec-2005 11:31
You lost with trip Queens?! Great shot.
Mindy McNaugher30-Dec-2005 01:33
Very cool image! I have a great coach for video poker in Vegas!! ;-)
Guest 29-Dec-2005 16:02
Very nice shot. So neat and so crisp :)
Guest 28-Dec-2005 10:42
i won't!! :)
tho i have a lousy poker face. :))
Karen Leaf28-Dec-2005 04:10
Vegas, baby!
shatterbug28-Dec-2005 02:53
They need to let Dad win once-in-a-while just to humor him. ;-) Very nice shot!
laine8228-Dec-2005 00:10
I was tossed out of the game when I played with 3 pairs :^b
Sheila27-Dec-2005 23:47
Neat pic!
Di27-Dec-2005 23:19
Good luck. My 9 year old wipes my slate clean every time in Texas Hold 'em.
Jude Marion27-Dec-2005 19:42
Fun image, Gary!
Robin Reid27-Dec-2005 19:36
I agree w/Gail. Love your new chips. So that is why I am my ante is this comment.
Graham Tomlin27-Dec-2005 19:20
good picture regards Helen
Gayle P. Clement27-Dec-2005 18:53
Super photo, Gary. A great use of an out-of-the-frame action.
The teaching must have been fun!
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