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Gary Winters | all galleries >> Galleries >> Truman! > Getting Ready for New Year's Eve
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Getting Ready for New Year's Eve

Truman REALLY wants to let his hair down this NYE.
He's working on some kind of spiked egg nog recipe
to do just that. I guess the reduced fat part is for me.
He's so thoughtful.

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Guest 19-Jan-2006 09:13
It's party time!
Julie Ann Shoeman11-Jan-2006 07:27
He definitely doesn't need reduced fat :-)

LOVE this gallery.
Guest 31-Dec-2005 08:54
Reduced fat Egg Nog??? Where the fun in that?! ;) Great shot, love it! LOL
Guest 29-Dec-2005 16:04
I like this shot a lot with great composition and lighting. Vote~
Mindy McNaugher29-Dec-2005 03:39
Too funny!!! You always make me laugh!! Love this!
Guest 28-Dec-2005 08:34
LOL, you always make me LOL!! andI agree with Shatterbug's comment!
shatterbug28-Dec-2005 02:47
Lol! Truman looks like he's done a little sampling already!
Guest 27-Dec-2005 16:21
Haha! He does look like he`s ready to party!
Ray Rebortira27-Dec-2005 14:24
Let the good times roll!
Cindy27-Dec-2005 05:28
LOL, your imagination just never quits. I am glad to see Truman is still around, I haven't seen him lately. Must have been working hard on that recipe huh? I can hardly wait to see the morning after pictures.
Karen Leaf27-Dec-2005 01:53
Think I'm gonna try all the recipes from your page Gary.
That will be interesting :)
Esp the BOOOZY part, lol!
Sheila26-Dec-2005 23:34
Foget the reduced fat bit! Egg nog should be CREAMy, eggy and boozy :-) I made 3½ litres for Christmas day, want the recipe :-)
Guest 26-Dec-2005 21:57
wow gotta try some of that egg nog. :P
Herb 26-Dec-2005 21:08
Hope he can wait that long :)
Guest 26-Dec-2005 19:32
Lol, This Truman is a great buddy, he knows how to get and share fun.

Lets get ready for NYE!!!!!
Jude Marion26-Dec-2005 19:26
Not sure who's crazier ... you or Truman (but I have a hunch!)
Perhaps Truman should try an Eggnog Martini - equal parts eggnog and Baileys Irish Cream ... a few lumps of ice (shaken, not stirred!) , topped off with some nutmeg! YUM! (That'll make his hair curl ;) )
laine8226-Dec-2005 18:28
If he looks like this now, imagine the morning after shot...that we've gotta see !!
Superb work Gary !!
Robin Reid26-Dec-2005 18:14
You do excellent work creating these studio shots.
Gayle P. Clement26-Dec-2005 18:13
He does look ready to party!
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