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Paul Rome | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gilmore Car Museum - Muscle Cars > 1966 Oldsmobile 442 "Track Pack" W-30 Holiday Coupe
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30-JUN-2018 paulROMEŠ2018

1966 Oldsmobile 442 "Track Pack" W-30 Holiday Coupe

Hickory Corners, Michigan

Oldsmobile became part of the muscle car movement in 1966 thanks to the
late-in-the-season release of the W-30 ram-air option package and the
company's now legendary numerical designation 4-4-2: "4" barrel carb,
"4" speed transmission, and "2" (dual) exhaust.

This Lansing-built example is 1 of 93 dealer/owner installed Track Pak W-30
cars that includes bumper installed air intakes, tri-power chrome shroud,
battery relocated to the trunk, and L-69 Tri-Power setup. The current owners
purchased the car in Naples in 2011 and just four short years later the car
was treated to a concours-level restoration by one of our very own Guest
Curators Scott Tiemann of Supercar Specialties.

400 cu inch V-8, 360-horsepower, 3,620-lbs, 115-inch wheelbase,
Total Production: 93 "Track Pak" models - Factory Price: $3,450.00

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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