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Paul Rome | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gilmore Car Museum - Muscle Cars > 1969 AMC AMX Factory Promotion
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30-JUN-2018 paulROMEŠ2018

1969 AMC AMX Factory Promotion

Hickory Corners, Michigan

The AMX debuted in 1968 and was the first steel-bodied, two-seat American production
sports car since the 1957 Ford Thunderbird. American Motors created the AMX (American
Motors eXperimental) by slicing a foot out of its Javelin body, eliminating the rear
seat, and making it a true two-seat sports car. In an effort to promote the new AMX to
the high-performance market, American Motors hired five-time world land speed record
holder Craig Breedlove to challenge the existing national and international speed records.
He went on to break 106 records in a modified AMX 290, including an average speed of 141 mph
for 24 hours, compared with the previous record of 102 mph.

This stunning one-of-a-kind vehicle is a one-of-a-kind factory replica of
Breedlove's AMX and it was given away as part of an S.C. Johnson & Son contest
and American Motors Corporation promotion on June 1, 1969 at Mosport Race Track
in Oshawa, Ontario to Mrs. Muriel Sillen of Whitby, Ontario Canada.

290 cu inch V-8, 225-horsepower, 3,097-lbs, 97-inch wheelbase,
Total Production: 1 - Factory Price: $3,245.00

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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