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Diana Bradshaw | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Panama tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Our visit to Panama was primarily to find and watch birds, especially those special to Panama. We also enjoy all sorts of Natural History, plants, animals, as well as scenery. We also wanted to visit the Canal. The trip was divided into three major Parts. First we traveled to the Darien region,near Colombia with Field Guides birding company for a week and stayed at a field camp in the jungle and climbed Cerro Pirre. Next we visited the central part of the country at Canopy Lodge and Canopy Tower where we hiked forest trails. For the last part, we took a commercial flight to the Western Higlands, Chiriqui Provence, and visited two eco-lodges were we found a different assembly of plants, and birds.

Panama Canal
Panama Canal
Canopy Lodge
Canopy Lodge
Canopy Tower
Canopy Tower
Los Quetzales
Los Quetzales
Finca Lerida
Finca Lerida
Panama City
Panama City