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David Henry | all galleries >> Galleries >> The New Life project > 4-18-08.jpg
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Let me describe something to you.
It is a strange thing that you
will understand if you are divorced.
If you are not divorced, it will sound odd.
I have learned that divorce is like waves.
They come in and go out.
That is the best way I can say it.
For a while it crashes on the shore.
Then it just flows away from you.
That is the exact feeling I have.
Each time I have to deal with my ex
it is like the crashing of the waves.
It is powerful and painful.
It has been like that since she left.
However now I notice it more.
When the divorce went final it was relief.
Then we have to deal with taxes (crash again).
Now that is done and the wave moves on.
Sure, the waters have moved out now.
I am sure there will still be some water,
but the wave has now moved on forever.
I am no longer obligated to anything.
I have fulfilled my agreements.
Never again do I have to pay attention.
Sure, the sea will crash, but not near me.
That was the final storm.
The light in the house is lit.
I have made it to shore now.

It is amazing the clarity that can happen on a ferry ride.
The world is again at peace.

Sony DSC-W80
1/80s f/14.0 at 17.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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John 19-Apr-2008 21:03
Just ride that wave and SMILE.
nomadicdragon19-Apr-2008 13:26
Having gone through a divorce after two months of marriage, I can completely understand what you are going through. Beautiful photo.