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David Chauvin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Personal Favorites > Preening Brown Pelican
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Preening Brown Pelican

Note the gland at the base of the tail that the pelican uses to oil it's feathers.


Canon EOS 50D
1/250s f/10.0 at 500.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 26-Jan-2009 02:55
Saw one today as we passed Cane River in Natchitoches Parish. Couldn't get a shot, we were traveling at 50 mph.
Guest 26-Jan-2009 00:40
Excellent David.I normally don't like a background that white but this looks great.V
Pedro Libório25-Jan-2009 19:59
absolutly amaizing!
Tim Vidrine25-Jan-2009 16:07
Nice job, David.
A J Adams25-Jan-2009 15:18
Very nice,David.