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Doria | all galleries >> Galleries >> This is Me. > magnifi-me
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It's that time of life when the up close is not so clear.

Pentax K10D
1/30s f/5.6 at 105.0mm iso3344 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 18-Oct-2007 14:26
Very creative, well done.
Cesar Fernandez17-Sep-2007 04:15
You look very beautiful here¡ ....just like a model.Very nice smile...just to fall in love with.
Great portrait.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey30-Aug-2007 22:27
Love this SP!!!! So original!
Doria30-Jul-2007 09:59
Only a goof for you, love.
Rob30-Jul-2007 09:10
Oh, you goof!