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Doria | all galleries >> Galleries >> This is Me. > oldish...(the treatment, not
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oldish...(the treatment, not

Schnoz looks huge but I am.

Canon PowerShot A640
1/3s f/2.8 at 7.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Greg Harp21-Sep-2007 03:42
Fabulous portrait.
William Hartshorn08-Aug-2007 21:59
Your eyes sparkle!!
Zeev Parush14-Jul-2007 19:20
great portrait - the spark in your eye adds a lot
Bernard Bosmans25-May-2007 11:42
Nice to meet you, a classy portrait Doria. Really nice work.
Marjan Schavemaker30-Mar-2007 19:05
Beautiful! -V-
Guest 31-Jan-2007 21:22
Beautiful classical portrait.
Rob Rosetti31-Jan-2007 18:59
Lovely portrait. Classical with style!