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Derrel | all galleries >> Galleries >> People Pictures by Derrel > _DSC4681_MomSon_sRGB.jpg
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21-JUL-2006 Derrel


temporary studio setup

The background is lighted by two 11.5 inch reflectors run by a D1602 Brown Line pack,and the main light is a single Lastolite Umbrella Box 40 inch model. The Latolite Umbrella Box has nice,soft,bright illumination qualities,and leaves a round,dark dot where the flashhead sits. it leaves a nice,signature catchlight that I an spot pretty easily,and I think it looks pretty lively,and "active",with a fair amount of softness,combined with some slight specularity when used at close distances like this.

Nikon D2x
1/160s f/8.0 at 95.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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