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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> birds_of_the_world >> Birds of Sweden > Northern Wheatear Male.jpg
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Northern Wheatear Male.jpg

Believe it or not but for a small bird it migrates the furthest of all. From Africa all the way even here to eastern Canada.

Canon EOS 1D Mark IV
1/1000s f/10.0 at 800.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
pkocinski10-Jul-2012 11:35
Very nice. We've had a "couple" of reports of this bird near here over the years of recording sightings here.
Simon Chandler09-Jul-2012 21:40
Beautiful images. Excellent capture. v
Nestor Derkach09-Jul-2012 21:16
Very nice images , and a most interesting migration distance.
Nice image detail and bokeh in the upper image.
Guest 09-Jul-2012 14:55
Nice images of these birds, Peter...
Manas Khan09-Jul-2012 13:41
Beautiful capture!
Fong Lam09-Jul-2012 11:00
Beautiful images, the clarity and dof...V
Guest 09-Jul-2012 10:45
Nicely done. Best J
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal09-Jul-2012 06:16
Two fantastic images Peter, great work!! BV
Tom Munson09-Jul-2012 03:23
Terrific images, Peter! I look forweard to further posts from Sweden.
January Grey09-Jul-2012 02:42
wow! that's a long journey! Beautifully captured!!
Hank Vander Velde09-Jul-2012 02:07
Two terrific images Peter. That's some distance they travel.
s_barbour09-Jul-2012 01:52
Wow, that is quite a journey for such a small bird!
francoisconstantin09-Jul-2012 01:12
Very good work.
Vickie BROWN09-Jul-2012 00:59
Great catch, Peter, quite confident pose of this little bird, he seems to tell us his ability to anywhere!.
Guest 09-Jul-2012 00:46
Great! V.
Jim Coffman09-Jul-2012 00:26
Two fine images,Peter! I would never have guessed how far that bird migrates!! WOW!!
lgprice09-Jul-2012 00:04
Nice images.
Robert Houde08-Jul-2012 23:46
Great work Peter.
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