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deborahcuming | all galleries >> Galleries >> RMNP > Fall Color in the Rockies
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Fall Color in the Rockies

RMNP Colorado

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Jim Coffman09-Oct-2008 02:09
Gorgeous scenic . Great colors. V
Bryan Murahashi08-Oct-2008 04:28
Beautiful colors and perfectly captured. V
Josée V.29-Sep-2008 22:12
Fabulous color line... Wonderful shot ...
January Grey29-Sep-2008 04:54
Such beautiful scenery! A lovely Autumn capture, Deborah! Wonderful light & color, and a creative diagonal composition. V~
Guest 28-Sep-2008 17:39
Great image, Deb. The composition could not be any better. Well done. V
Marcia Rules28-Sep-2008 14:57
V beautiful scene--love the slope and the billowing clouds!
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