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glacier, meet sky

RMNP Colorado

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Jim Coffman24-Oct-2008 00:58
WOW, great perspective! V
Carol How02-Oct-2008 08:35
Love that huge fluffy cloud - somehow the curve in the landscape just fits it!
Josée V.29-Sep-2008 22:10
Marvelous diagonal composition... The sky is amazing... Superbe !!!
Guest 28-Sep-2008 10:43
beautiful landscape and compo.
January Grey28-Sep-2008 06:04
A lovely diagonal composition, Deborah. Beautiful shot! V~
Simon Chandler28-Sep-2008 04:18
Wonderful! Excellent composition with diagonal lines and rich tone. Love the skyscape too. v
an nguyen28-Sep-2008 03:33
Magnificent nature shot. BV
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