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davidandjohn | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> David and John and Friends from the Olden Days tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

David and John and Friends from the Olden Days

*************************This gallery is an album of our old photos from New York, San Francisco and our early years in Venice, California.
*************************Please feel free to download and share a picture or two with friends.
*************************Please DO NOT download a slew of photos and then upload them to your Facebook or Blog or Tumblr account etc.
*************************If we had wanted these photos 'popularized' we would have been quite capable of makng them more accessable ourselves.
*************************You can click to open any one of the six galleries below.

All the small thumbnail images can be clicked on to view larger versions.
You will notice that the words "other sizes: small, medium, large, original" appear on the individual pages.
You will probably be viewing the "large" version when you arrive at the site, and in some cases that is the largest version posted.
However, on some images you can click "original" to see a larger version, or "medium" to fit the image on your screen.
However, if you want to return to the "large" image view you must click the word "large" and then continue to another picture using either the next button or by clicking the words "David and John and Friends" at the top of the page.

You can leave a comment in the box at the bottom of every page. You don't have to join pbase or log in to leave a comment. If you leave the name and email boxes blank your comment will be posted as "guest". If you post your name it will be seen by everyone but if you type in an emai address it will only be seen by us. In fact, if you want people to see your email address it must be typed into the body of the message. If you mark a message "private" even you will not see it. We will, but there is no way for us to make it public. If you object to a photo seen here please leave us a private message.
photos of David and John
:: photos of David and John ::
Friends from New York and San Francisco
:: Friends from New York and San Francisco ::
Friends from Venice California
:: Friends from Venice California ::
Some More Venice Friends
:: Some More Venice Friends ::
The places we lived
:: The places we lived ::
Odds and Ends
:: Odds and Ends ::
AIDS Collage.jpg
AIDS Collage.jpg
AIDS Collage numbered and identified .jpg
AIDS Collage numbered and identified .jpg
Roosterfish 1980
:: Roosterfish 1980 ::