The photos in this gallery date from the middle of May on into the summer.
The first thumbnail, "NYC Gay Pride 2012" is actually the entrance to separate gallery.
Click on it to see our pictures from that parade.
However, we went to several other 'parades' before this one.
The Parade of Tall Ships was a part of Fleet week.
The Dance Parade gave an opportunity for many of the smaller immigrant communities in the city to dance down the avenue.
The Aids Walk was a parade of sorts where many thousands of all ages, races, and backgrounds walked to raise funds and to commemorate those who are no longer with us.
Hi John & David:
Glad everything turned out so well. The pictures are great and we will talk soon. Do you think we will be able to get together the week we will be in NY,
Aunt Fran & Beth
Anne Giles
02-Jul-2012 21:17
Glad you guys are now where you ought to be and having a blast.