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Irene Firck | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Milk meets Coffee tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Milk meets Coffee

These are the first splashes of this kind I've tried so far. I hope you like them and thanks for looking.

I've now added some images showing milk splashing into a cup of coffee to demonstrate how tiny the splashes really are.

BTW, I don't use any sound/photogate triggers for my high speed photography. These are all single images.
Just my camera, a pipette or syringe, good eye/shutter finger coordination and patience, patience, patience.....

Again, I've just added 6 new images I did recently (at the top of the page).

Coffee with a "drop" of milk ..... enjoy...

Please email me if you are interested in using any of my images.
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Coffee with a drop of milk DSC_1321_600 DSC_2109_600
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