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Irene Firck | all galleries >> Galleries >> Milk meets Coffee > Coffee with a "drop" of milk
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Coffee with a "drop" of milk

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Jim 21-Oct-2020 18:22
Awesome. How much beauty in the world are we missing because we can't see small enouth or big enough or fast enough?
Joe Bonello19-Oct-2014 06:21
Fantastic shot!
jojo butingan 02-Jun-2011 19:26
manifico... you are an amazing artist
Guest 23-Sep-2010 20:39
Guest 06-Apr-2010 12:42
The PERFECTION ...0.0 no other komment !!!
Guest 29-Aug-2007 13:20
Yes, i love this kind of photography! (v)
Guest 19-Jun-2007 16:08
Irene, it is mindblowing. can you explain how exactly do you do this? I am not going to copy it, I just want to KNOW - can grasp with my brain how you managed to do this.AWESOME
Tim van Woensel09-May-2007 15:36
What the heck!
When I saw the thumbnail I thought there was an umbrella in the liquid. Stunning!
Guest 08-Apr-2007 18:51
Wonderful shot!
Alex Lau06-Apr-2007 00:16
Thats really great work, I bought a bottle of milk and I will try it in this easter holiday!!! Thank you so much for inspiring us!!!
pepe_carmona200024-Mar-2007 21:52
muy buen resultado felicidades
Matt Reichel27-Feb-2007 21:19
thats really neat, nice work
Robbie D7010-Feb-2007 19:01
Brilliant and inspiring work. GMV
Craig Persel05-Feb-2007 00:03
Just fantastic.
Barbara Corvino04-Feb-2007 20:35
Your shots are very unusual and creative.
Ciao Barbara