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Irene Firck | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges. So far, so good.... > Sinking... (Challenge: "Money")
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Sinking... (Challenge: "Money")

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Barbara Heide22-Nov-2008 12:33
perfect shot! v
Barry S Moore19-Nov-2008 20:03
Perfection in an image for its colour and texture. ~V~
Barry S Moore19-Nov-2008 20:02
Perfection in an image for its colur and texture. ~V~
Milos Markovic18-Nov-2008 13:43
Guest 15-Nov-2008 17:08
Lise Trempe15-Nov-2008 16:27
Amazing and excellent work, it's so perfect.
Robbie D7014-Nov-2008 18:56
Classy image , always good to see your excellent work.
Susanne v. Schroeder13-Nov-2008 20:19
Wow! Amazing! Don't know how you do this!!
Marc Vermeulen13-Nov-2008 17:44
Nice work Irene!