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L'esprit de la forêt...

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Guest 01-Jul-2008 22:31
Love it!!Great view!!
Guest 03-May-2008 22:51
Very Well done V
January Grey08-Feb-2008 06:03
Great perspective, Serge. A very tall tree! V~
Fabienne05-Feb-2008 22:09
La perspective est excellente, jolie photo.
Guest 02-Feb-2008 16:22
Marc Bulte28-Jan-2008 16:07
Love this perspective and the somewhat blurry leaves!
Guest 23-Jan-2008 05:51
Great sense of perspective in this. Well done!
Simon Chandler22-Jan-2008 22:17
Fantastic. Excellent angle and composition. Really love the tone. v
Robyco22-Jan-2008 15:27
Well done and good colortone !! (V)
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