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Danad | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ouessant. (Iles du Ponant - II) > La Jument dans la Brume.
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La Jument dans la Brume.

Lighthouse "La Jument". (In the fog).

Best viewed in original size.

Canon EOS 70D
1/1600s f/14.0 at 200.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Wintermeer29-Jul-2020 00:10
Stunning! ~V~
Nick Paoni28-Jul-2020 20:20
Love the birds keeping watch from the rocks.
Walter Otto Koenig28-Jul-2020 19:47
Great sense of depth with the mist and spray. Really like the layers in this image. "V"
globalgadabout28-Jul-2020 16:49
the lighthouse appears so spectral in these conditions...lively light dancing on those waves..
pascal28-Jul-2020 16:32
C'est magnifique ! Belle ambiance.
Neil Marcus28-Jul-2020 15:09
The silhouette as contrasted by fog has its beauty."V"
Helen Betts28-Jul-2020 12:46
Such a great mood in this beautiful capture. V.
joseantonio28-Jul-2020 11:53
nice composition and perspective.V.
Graeme28-Jul-2020 11:45
Wonderful mood in this composition, Daniel.V
Roland Le Gall28-Jul-2020 10:31
Superbe atmosphère...Beau cadrage...!
Liz Bickel28-Jul-2020 08:59
Awesome composition and mood.
Juliette28-Jul-2020 08:40
wonderful !
Barbara Corvino28-Jul-2020 08:28
Très belle composition.
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