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Bio or not Bio

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2
1/320s f/6.3 at 14.2mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Médy 10-Jul-2005 13:09
THAT IS THE QUESTION....................
MARINE 07-Jun-2005 14:47
J'espere que tu n'est pas resté trop longtems dans son sillage pour prendre cette photo fumante... Elle ne donne pas vraiment envie de déguster ses légumes radiactif!(ou halucinogènes!)Belle prestation !
Guest 17-Jun-2004 22:09
Wonderful - I love this image. You should post this at if you haven't already done so :)
Peggy 09-Jun-2004 18:04
absolutely wild :)
John down under 01-Jun-2004 20:25
Hi Cyril,
Your athletic efforts were well worth it. Great pic.
Cheers, John
Adrianox 01-Jun-2004 18:04
purple haze! - now thats why my tomatoes look the way they do ;-) you've taken a good pic and made it great. Congrats.
Cyril PREISS01-Jun-2004 16:41

and it was a sportly pic, i had to run in the field to follow the guy and get it from the right place ;-)

Dennis Phillips 01-Jun-2004 15:41
So *that's* how they grow cotton candy - in cotton candy fields. LOL Great idea well executed.
Fred 01-Jun-2004 13:22
Great idea with a touch of an environmental concern. Very effective.
JAck G. 01-Jun-2004 03:32
Makes me wonder "what is that stuff he is spraying on the field". Great concept - and execution.

JAck G.
Claudio Gatti 31-May-2004 22:00
As a North American getting force fed unlabelled genetically modified food, how can I not like the irony ;-)

Cyril PREISS31-May-2004 21:45
Thank you claudio,

i hesitated a lot... wasn't sure at all it was worth it.
I was prepared to get no coment, you saved me ;-)

Claudio 31-May-2004 20:59
Hi Cyrill,

What a great idea and perfect execution! I love it... Great entry

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