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csmallari | all galleries >> Galleries >> Butterflies & Insects > IMG_1587w.jpg
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Canon EOS 350D
1/400s f/5.0 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 10-Aug-2006 09:18
This is the Cethosia butterfly. A nymphalid.
The underside pattern is totally different from the upperside.
This is one of the most beautiful butterflies in the world.
It is always a favorite. It is feeding on nectar from a Lantana camara flower.
Reyno24-Jun-2006 14:02
Renee Lockett13-Apr-2006 12:14
Wonderful capture. :)
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik13-Apr-2006 04:02
Gorgeous! A few of our butterflies are just starting to appear, but none as vividly colored as this beauty. Sandy
Guest 13-Apr-2006 03:54
nice shot!
Gary Hebert12-Apr-2006 19:54
excellent, very colorful on the lantana... a beauty...
Beverly Wickersham12-Apr-2006 18:51
Very nice shot. Great color.
akleja12-Apr-2006 18:01
Lovely picture!
Bob White12-Apr-2006 17:08
Beautiful colors well caught
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