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csmallari | all galleries >> Galleries >> Butterflies & Insects > Dsc08717w.jpg
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Sony DSC-H1
1/500s f/4.0 at 60.8mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 10-Aug-2006 08:46
A tiny lycaenid butterfly.
Where was this taken? Can help me id.
Guest 27-Feb-2006 22:40
Great shot@ i have never seen one this close that you can see the hair.
Guest 27-Feb-2006 20:56
nicely captured.
akleja27-Feb-2006 18:11
Great shot! Very detailed! I love looking him in the eye! :-)
Tom Munson27-Feb-2006 17:07
Beautiful. tack sharp.
Graham Tomlin27-Feb-2006 16:54
fab regards Helen
Bryan Murahashi27-Feb-2006 16:25
Very nicely shot.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife27-Feb-2006 16:17
Very nice image.
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