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Canon DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> Challenge 6 - The Wide : Open (Hosted by iso3200) >> Challenge 6 : Exhibition > Honeymoon Beach *
by Pops
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15-JAN-2003 Pops

Honeymoon Beach *
by Pops

U.S. Virgin Islands

Canon PowerShot G2
1/400s f/4.0 at 7.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Canon DSLR Challenge03-Jan-2004 17:35
Pops: Wonderful image of a wonderful place. I love the colors. The horizontal layers and pano perspective work very well here. Nice. One of my favorites in this gallery. --Joe
Guest 28-Dec-2003 19:18
I've stood in that same spot (without a camera) and enjoyed the view immensely. Thanks for taking me back....