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Family Life
by Najinsky
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22-OCT-2009 Najinsky

3rd Place
Family Life
by Najinsky

Lok Kawi - Sabah - Borneo

other sizes: small medium original auto
roberta31-Oct-2009 22:48
elips27-Oct-2009 06:08
A charming study! Good work, Naj! ~Sharon
Canon DSLR Challenge25-Oct-2009 22:09
LOL @ Homer! :) This is beautiful! They could all do with a good hairdresser... but still... such a beautiful moment you've captured, Naj! ~Lydia
Canon DSLR Challenge25-Oct-2009 00:42
Thank you Michael, Nico and Bob. It was just amazing t watch these guys, although all I could think of when looking at the baby was, "look, it's Homer Simpson"!. -Najinsky
Canon DSLR Challenge24-Oct-2009 14:17
Very good capture Najinsky, I love the expressions on their faces.

~ Regards Bob
jnconradie24-Oct-2009 04:37
Ditto. The moment, the vibe, the feeling... all superbly captured. Well done!
Guest 24-Oct-2009 04:32
A dream capture, kudos. I can't imagine asking for more in a wildlife image. -Michael