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Bev Wigney | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wasp, Hornets & Sawflies > ant?
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smilingbluedog 09-Jul-2010 06:25
This looks like a flying black ant. Perhaps a carpenter ant? They only have wings for a short time (one day?) and I think that they are queens & males looking to start new colonies.
Carpenter ants love wood (hence the name)- they'd love to live in a log home too.
No they don't sting, but I think they can bite.
Guest 10-Aug-2009 22:48
Do they sting

Please reply
Guest 06-Aug-2009 02:55
It's a carpenter ant and they fly on day out of the year then shed their wings.
mafe 27-Jun-2009 14:49
do they sting?
Guest 30-Jan-2009 17:34
My grandmother has been having a problem with these..She has a log home and was afraid that they were termite they sting?
josh 26-May-2008 13:55
yah thats an ant, ive been watching them i have a group of them near my house P.S. i have some photos of a greak black wasp i saw im my garage this morning
jenn 28-Sep-2007 01:02
yes those are ants though they do not eat wood they do nest in it there for still destroying it.. females have wings males do not
Dave 16-May-2007 00:42
Im not sure, but a whole wack of em have showed up on my deck today......every other one seems to be wingless????? Strange buggy just as curious.
dayna 16-Jul-2006 23:27
does any one know what type of bug this is ?