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Bev Wigney | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bees tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


The following is a collection of some of the Bee photos I've taken over the past few years. If you're interested in seeing my most recent photos, writing or other work, please visit my nature blog, Burning Silo.

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Red-tailed Bumblebee -- view 2
Red-tailed Bumblebee -- view 2
Red-tailed Bumblebee -- view 3
Red-tailed Bumblebee -- view 3
augochlora bee
augochlora bee
trapped leafcutter bee
trapped leafcutter bee
Bumblebee found sleeping on raspberry leaf -- not yet ID'd
Bumblebee found sleeping on raspberry leaf -- not yet ID'd
Bumblebee collecting pollen from goldenrod -- not yet ID'd.
Bumblebee collecting pollen from goldenrod -- not yet ID'd.
red-tailed bee  -- not ID'd yet
red-tailed bee -- not ID'd yet
red-tailed bee  --  not ID'd yet
red-tailed bee -- not ID'd yet
bumblebee on Meadowsweet -- not ID'd yet - view 1
bumblebee on Meadowsweet -- not ID'd yet - view 1
bumblebee on Meadowsweet -- not ID'd yet - view 2
bumblebee on Meadowsweet -- not ID'd yet - view 2
bumblebee on raspberry leaf - not ID'd yet
bumblebee on raspberry leaf - not ID'd yet
bumblebee on raspberry leaf -- not ID'd yet
bumblebee on raspberry leaf -- not ID'd yet
Bumblebee in flower
Bumblebee in flower
red tailed bumblebee - not yet ID'd
red tailed bumblebee - not yet ID'd
solitary bee - not yet ID'd
solitary bee - not yet ID'd
Bumblebee with pollen
Bumblebee with pollen
Bee hives at Ferguson Forestry Centre
Bee hives at Ferguson Forestry Centre
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
Chilled Honey Bee
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