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27-MAR-2014 Psychoceramatist

Equinoccio de Primavera

All pixs are mine, Chaco Canyon, Petroglyph, Blood Moon and Model/Friend "Fio's pregnancy shoot." I made the necklace and also used authentic Navajo jewelry. The Chacoans could not only tell the seasons and eclipses; but could track the 18 year moon cycle as well.

You'll also need to imagine/smell/taste the Rich Royality in their original version of Hot Chocolate fanned by Macaw feathers in your mind's eye....

Nikon D300
1/125s f/20.0 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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creativematrix27-Apr-2014 02:03
Geez, another virgin used up. Okay, I'm down with the Mayan Chocolate. Mexico does a mean ass chocolate drink that is full of booze and really knocks you back in your seat. YUM.

Just got back from Panama and had some Mayan Chocolate, of late.

The darkness in the pic is really only affected by the light brown toned page. How about going museum dark grey and we can see our PG gal and all the goodies that hide in the pic.
creativematrix24-Apr-2014 15:54
Too dark here also.
creativematrix24-Apr-2014 02:41
sure wish I could see this better as it is very dark on all my monitors. I would very much like to explore the depths and ideas you portray. skunk