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creativematrix | all galleries >> Archives >> Theme Challenge Archives >> Pagan Spring Challenge > Blood Moon with Horns and Egg
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Blood Moon with Horns and Egg

Spring should be arriving soon. The goat horns are from my goat who died several years back. I saved his great head. Amazingly, the horns are just the outer shell. They slide off and the real horns are underneath. What a surprise. The other images are from Image After.

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creativematrix29-Apr-2014 07:19
I keep looking for that missing Malaysian Air Liner in here. Sorry just kidding= ) Nice full circle symbol work with textures, atmosphere, color, modern petroglyphs, goat skull, eel and egg.
creativematrix27-Apr-2014 01:58
Very Druid. Nice and earthy. Now about The Virgins? (tapping foot) Where are The Virgins. I hope you didn't use the last of The Virgins for volcano sacrifice. Hawk