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Rick & José van der Weijde | profile | all galleries >> Photo's by Country >> Europe >> Portugal tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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It is starting to get a tradition: a spring vacation to sun and birds. This time we decided
to keep it simple and made a last-minute, one week (5-12 March 2017) trip to the south
of Portugal. Again, we were accompanied by our friends Erik and Jonne Kleyheeg. We booked a lovely cabin
at Monte Horizonte in Santiago do Cacém, Alentejo, South-Portugal and arranged us a rental car.
Although we did see a lot of birds and other wildlife, photographing them proved to be quite difficult.

In this main Portugal-gallery you can either choose to see our photo's
by subject, location, in daily reports or as a complete tripreport.
All photos in this gallery are also included in the “Photo Archive” gallery on the main page.

The Birds of Portugal
:: The Birds of Portugal ::
The Mammals of Portugal
:: The Mammals of Portugal ::
Reptiles and Amphibians of Portugal
:: Reptiles and Amphibians of Portugal ::
The Little Creatures of Portugal
:: The Little Creatures of Portugal ::
The Flora and Fungi of Portugal
:: The Flora and Fungi of Portugal ::
The Sceneries of Portugal
:: The Sceneries of Portugal ::
The Visited Places of Portugal
:: The Visited Places of Portugal ::
:: Portugal-A-Day ::
Portugal, 5-12 March 2017
:: Portugal, 5-12 March 2017 ::
Recordshots: for friends only
:: Recordshots: for friends only ::