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A New Chapter in My Photography Journey

Thank you for visiting my collection of photographs.
Some of you may have noticed that my last updates here on PBase date back to 2013.
After that, life took me on a different path.
Balancing part-time studies with a demanding full-time job left little room for my photography journey,
and for a while, I had to put my passion on hold.

During this time, my old camera also decided to retire, which further paused my creative pursuits.
But recently, I’ve taken the plunge and invested in a new camera, reigniting my passion for photography.
I’m excited to get back behind the lens, exploring, creating, and capturing the beauty that surrounds us.

C.M. Kwan 20-Aug-2024
The Last Light The First Light Serendipity in Shadows Twilight Reflections
Crossroads of Time: Hong Kong's Urban Pulse Ascending Elegance Waves of Art Roaring Forward: Hong Kong’s Unbreakable Spirit
Infinity Reflected: Tseung Kwan O’s Twilight Bridge Twilight Confluence: Hong Kong’s Urban River After Hours Hustle Streetwise Carton Collectors
Echoes of Light and Shadow Whispers of the Falls Emerging Life Amidst Decay A Forgotten Pier
Golden Hour Serenity Over Shatin City, Hong Kong