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C.M. Kwan | all galleries >> Galleries >> A New Chapter in My Photography Journey > Roaring Forward: Hong Kong’s Unbreakable Spirit
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02-Sep-2024 C.M.Kwan

Roaring Forward: Hong Kong’s Unbreakable Spirit

Hong Kong view map

As blue hour descends, this photo captures Hong Kong's essence: streaks of traffic light in the foreground showcase the city's ceaseless energy, while public housing blocks speak to its dense urban life. Dominating the backdrop, Lion Rock stands tall, more than a mountain—it's a symbol of Hong Kong's unbreakable spirit. This image contrasts daily urban hustle against the enduring icon of the city's resilience, embodying the determination of a people who, like the steadfast Lion Rock, face challenges head-on and never yield in their pursuit of a better tomorrow.

Nikon Z 7II ,Nikon NIKKOR Z 70-180mm f/2.8
120s f/8.0 at 90.0mm iso64, H&Y ND64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dan Greenberg23-Sep-2024 14:59
Outstanding! So much energy and excitement. ~VVV~
Marcia Rules18-Sep-2024 00:11
A vibe of the city that cannot be beat! BVV~
Walter Otto Koenig16-Sep-2024 16:51
Great composition and exposure. I really like the lighting and colors. "V"
Apostolos Tikopoulos15-Sep-2024 09:07
Amazing night composition with low shutter speed. V
Fong Lam15-Sep-2024 08:55
A wonderful night shot of this dynamic urban scene with excellent light exposure, Kwan...V
Alain Boussac14-Sep-2024 14:25
You really captured all the essence of Hong Kong in an image you can be proud of. BBV
Danad14-Sep-2024 07:52
A great blue hour shot showing the dynamism of the city and a great commentary too !
Raymond14-Sep-2024 04:26
Another beautiful shot, stunning. I wonder, where do people park their cars? HK is already saturated to the max in place and people!
joseantonio14-Sep-2024 03:15
amazing view at night.V.