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C.M. Kwan | all galleries >> France 2007 >> On my way I saw... > Hugo Barahona
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Hugo Barahona

Sacre Coeur, Paris

Hugo was playing lovely music outside Sacre Coeur.

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zenki 02-Nov-2011 05:13
i am looking for hugo cd, however, i cant find it at hong kong. I 'm searching through internet about this and I can't find it. I would be pleased if you could help making me a copy of hugo CD. I will pay all the related cost.
please contact with me if not disturb you(
thank a lots

marie 22-Apr-2011 17:20
I am looking for a harp player for a party on May 6th in Paris. Anyone has Hugo contact info? Don't seem to be able to find it.

Guest 31-Jan-2011 09:38
I am sending you this message because I was to Sacre Coeur church in christmas. I did the mistake and didn't buy a cd from the harp player outside the church. I 'm searching through internet about this and I can't find it. I would be pleased if you could help making me a copy of this cd. I will pay all the related costs.
Please contact with me (

Thank you for your time,

Dimitris Siskos
Guest 09-Oct-2010 22:43
Hi, i saw in paris subway in 1997, spent the whole day thinking about his music. Next day i went back there and bought his cd, have it till today, but of course i ripped it to mp3.
Jouan 07-May-2009 09:12
I, myself, saw and above all listened to this great harpist nearby Sacré Coeur indeed.
My deep regret, not to have taken a CD at that time. However, by chance, maybe my subconscious mind pushed me to write his name which I kept in my directory since.
I kept sourcing around for a CD in vain till today, May 7th 2009, which is a great day undoubtedly for me.
Hugo for a pleasure listening.
Guest 10-Jun-2008 19:43
hi CM,

I saw Hugo at Sacre Coeur too. He was magnificient. I am trying to identify this song which he played when i was there. Wonder if u know...

Guest 13-Feb-2008 11:43
Excellent capture and music! VVV