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The Lure of Dragon Boat Racing

Dragon Boat is originated in China more than 2,500 years ago.
In Chinese tradition, dragon boat racing celebrates the summer rice harvest
and serves as a memorial ceremony of a suicidal drowning folk hero, Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan committed suicide in 221 BC as a form of protest against the corruption of the era.

Hong Kong is the cradle of modern dragon boat sports.
Dragon boat races are held in Hong Kong every year and
have become the most promient Chinese tradtions nowadays.
The races are crucial to the inheritance of this tradition and
the development of this ceremony into sports event,
which is then spread around the world.

In the 500-metre race on rough seas,
the paddlers use every ounce of their upper body strength to perform to their peak.
At Full Throttle
At Full Throttle
Go, go...
Go, go...
Explosive Energy
Explosive Energy
Decisive Moment
Decisive Moment
Heading to the Starting Point
Heading to the Starting Point
Let's Try Our Best
Let's Try Our Best
Launching Ceremony
Launching Ceremony
Ready for the Race
Ready for the Race
Heads and Tails
Heads and Tails
Smiles of Victory
Smiles of Victory
Using Every Ounce of Their Body Strength
Using Every Ounce of Their Body Strength
The Power of Ladies
The Power of Ladies
The Burst of Human Energy
The Burst of Human Energy
Good Luck and Complete Safety
Good Luck and Complete Safety
Violent Splashing
Violent Splashing