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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> trogons > Orange-breasted Trogon
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11-20-05 Tom Munson

Orange-breasted Trogon

Khao Yai

other sizes: small medium original auto
January Grey29-May-2008 04:31
Beautiful shot, Tom. Love those colors! Great pose and expression! V~
Apostolos Tikopoulos24-May-2008 18:52
Wonderful colors and details. V.
Sheila09-Jan-2006 07:43
Such an attractive bird! Very nice shot.
Bob Foisel03-Jan-2006 15:53
Beautiful capture Tom.
Bryan Murahashi03-Jan-2006 07:20
Very nice shot of this colorful bird.
Pat Hemlepp03-Jan-2006 02:44
Nice image of a beautiful bird.
Graham Tomlin02-Jan-2006 21:43
lovely picture regards Helen
Guest 02-Jan-2006 21:26
Beautiful capture Tom
Peter Stahl02-Jan-2006 19:56
Picture perfect.
Al Chesworth02-Jan-2006 19:00
Great image, vote.
Arno Meintjes Wildlife02-Jan-2006 17:54
Fantastic. Very colourful. Arno
QUERIDO02-Jan-2006 17:49