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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> trogons > Red-headed Trogon
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Tom Munson

Red-headed Trogon

Khao Yai Thailand

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alex Vargas30-Oct-2008 08:13
Beautiful bird... one I'm still chasing...
Len31-Aug-2008 14:15
Great shot,tack sharp & fabulous detail.V.
January Grey18-Jun-2008 05:23
A real beauty! Excellent detail, light and colors! Fantastic shot, Tom. V~
Guest 27-Mar-2008 00:46
Awesome details and colors. Just beautiful.
Sheila09-Jan-2006 07:43
A stunning pic. What a beauty.
Peter Ericsson02-Jan-2006 04:08
Great light!
Peter Stahl02-Jan-2006 01:59
Another beauty.Looks from your bird shots a great place to go.
Guest 01-Jan-2006 23:24
What a cool bird - nice catch -
Al Chesworth01-Jan-2006 20:36
Great shot, happy new year.
Marco Valk01-Jan-2006 19:22
beautiful bird
QUERIDO01-Jan-2006 17:20
very nice,
Happy New year,Tom